In recent years the amount of electronics present in the automobile has increased at a steady rate. This also involves an ever more complex network of sensors, actuators or control units as well as entertainment and navigation systems. FlexRay is the communication system when it comes to x-by-wire systems. The system requirements are primarily focused on data.
- Overview of bus systems available on the market
- Introduction to the fundamental technical aspects of communications relevant to the FlexRay bus (topologies, multiplexing methods)
- Detailed explanation of the structure of a FlexRay node
- Detailed observation of signal generation (symmetrical data transfer)
- Investigation of electromagnetic compatibility aspects
- Detailed description of data link layer
- Analysis of protocol down to bit level
- Description of time base used on a FlexRay bus
- Use of measuring instruments to investigate bus signals
- Measurements of the resistance to interference on the bus
- Fault simulation (4 faults which can be activated via relays)
Product: FlexRay UniTrain Course
Product Code: CO4204-6Y